Friday night, while walking my brother in law back to his hotel, I got hit by a skate boarder. It was an accident, although a stupid one. He just did not judge his space or how much time he had to stop correctly, so when he attempted to stop he flew off the skateboard and into me. Hitting me really hard in the shoulder and flinging me back. Luckily I did not fall. The skateboarder apologized and I went on my way with some back and shoulder pain.
Well all the next day (yesterday) I felt like crap. I was having a lot of back pain and I felt feverish. I probably should of called the doc earlier (like my mom, Andrella and Mark told me to do) . But I always worry I am being a drama queen and over reacting. So I waited for Mark to get home. He was not overly worried until I told him that I had only felt the baby move on two occasions that day and demanded I call the emergency line right away.
The on call doc thought everything was prob okay but since I did not feel the baby more than twice she said that is an automatic trip to labor and delivery for monitoring.
We arrived at Aurora Medical at 9pm and were checked in (they did not have any of my pre-registration information that I KNOW I did in April, which was annoying but whatever). They hooked me up to the monitor and of course Spoon started kicking up a storm as soon as the put the sensors on me. After an hour, they said the baby was def fine. . . plenty of movement and a strong heartbeat. Mark then asked what the second number on the monitor was and confirmed it was my contractions. But they were mostly just light with a couple of strong ones which was normal for my stage. So she was going to call the doc and give her the information to see about releasing me.
But then my contractions got stronger. By the time the nurse came back my contractions were stronger and 2 mins apart. So of course they checked for dilation. I was 2 cm dialated, 50% effaced and my cervix was soft. Being that I am only 33 weeks pregnant this was not good news to me. I don't want this baby out for at least another 3 weeks and neither does the doc. But I have been worried lately she was trying to come early, guess I was right.
Next another nurse came in and said that the first nurse thought I was 37 weeks along, which is why she thought this was all normal. But being that I was only 33 weeks they did not want me being dialated or having contractions 2 mins apart. So they gave me a shot to relax my body and try to stop everything. Then said they would monitor me for an hour to see what happened.
Okay let me say I HATE that shot. Totally worth it, totally will take it once a day if it keeps Spoon in there another 3 weeks at least but not a fan of the feeling. It basically feels like when I take my strong inhalers, makes me feel all jittery and shaky like I have metal running through my veins. Not fun. But it did make the Spoon EXTRA hyper . . .I thought she was going to kick her way through my belly.
Within that hour my contractions slowed down to only having big ones every 20 mins or so. Which is good. And they checked again and I was not dilating any more. So they sent me home with bed rest orders and I have to call the doc on Monday before I get cleared to get off bed rest. Fun, fun. We got home and got into bed at about 430am. . which is why I slept till almost 11. We were both EXHAUSTED.
Of course now this puts us in full rush mode. It seems this baby may not be working on our schedule so we better stop slacking and get ready. My bags were pretty much packed, but last night while at the hospital we made a list of all the things we may want that were not in the bag and added those today. Now DH is running around by himself today trying to get things for his office so we can go ahead and get that set up with the crib. . (something we have been procrastinating on).
So that was my fun night. Certainly lit a fire under both of our butts to get things done. . . of course since I am on bed rest my fire is just burning my butt since I can't actually do anything :(
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