Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feb 15th- More Maddisms

-(Maddie tells me) " there don’t move anywhere"
- (every time I shower she runs in and says) "dont forget behind your ears"
- (I try to talk to Maddie about something she is doing wrong and she puts her hand over my mouth and says) you cant talk now but you can try

-Maddie brings me her bag and
Maddie says: i have a pretty princess bracelet in my bag
Me:oh can I wear it?
Maddie: it can't fit on you but you can try. I have a ball that is the perfect size for you. You want that.

-I told Maddie we would put stickers on the calendar tonight instead of reading a book. After Mark finished reading his book Maddie went to get me a book and I said no we did the calendar, to which Maddie replied “a calendar is NOT a book”...guess who got another book read to her.

-I pulled out the ABC books and said “these are not in alphabetic order, who put these away” and Maddie raised her hand.

-- A lady looks in the carseat at Blake as we are going through sams club and says “awe, will you smile for me” ...Maddie moves back the bonnet so you can see Blake more clearly and says “he is a cutie”...she likes to keep the public informed.

-A lady at Mark's work was telling Blake how cute he was...Maddie OBVIOUSLY felt ignored because she started saying "hey, I am maddie"..."HELLO, my name is Maddie"...no response still..."Excuse me my name is Maddie"...still no response "woohoo I am maddie, over here" ..she finally got the attention she craved after that.

-Mommy what is this yellow thing from out of my nose (UCK)