Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stupid germs

The past week has not been the most fun for us. Maddie and Blake got RSV and bronchitis. Our days have been filled with snot, coughing fits and breathing treatments. Just as the kids are starting to recover I start to get sick and our lack of sleep increases.

Then last night I was reading maddie a book and I noticed she kept putting her hand to her mouth, then suddenly ...blech...she threw up and threw up and threw up. We thought it was just from phlegm or something she ate, bit it continued through the night, with her daddy sacrificing sleep and taking care of her.

By morning it was obvious it wasn't just something she ate, as her diapers were bone dry for almost 12 hours. So at 6am we got up, moving and out the door. Maddie begging for a drink even as she threw up again. Her mood was sad bit thankfully Blake was joyful and content making it easier to deal with his sister.

At cabell hospital they got maddie straight into a room and checked her out, despite the vomiting and congestion in her lungs she checked out well. They gave her some Zofran and a popsicle in hope to get something in her belly.

It is now 10am and she has had 2 Popsicles, two juices and has held everything down. Her mood has improved and we hope to get home. I hope whatever it is passes quickly without effecting all of us...we have had enough to last us for awhile.

We need a vacation.

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