--The doctor said I am going to check your ears...am I going to find any missing toys? Did you lose any toys recently...Maddie answered I lost Helen’s baby in my bed when I was sleeping
--“wakey wakey mommy...wakey wakey...you are a cutie....”
--she woke up after about an hour of sleep yelling “welcome home daddy”...we think she got confused. Mark went in and gave her a kiss and put her back to bed
--Yelling from her bed at naptime “mommy it’s sunny right now” (i.e. means it is not time to sleep)
--Maddie was eating green beans and pulled out a little pea from it and said “mommy what is this” ...without thinking I responded “it is a seed” . . . then tried to undo it, figuring she wouldn’t eat and said “no I mean a bean” ...Maddie said “No it is a seed...I will save it and plant it in my garden”
--the nurse said “you are really cute” Maddie said “I know, I am a princess”
--While I am in the bathroom I hear Maddie say "You need polka dots" (as Maddie covered her brother in price stickers)
--"Look Mommy I have a wedgie" (as she squats to show me her sagging diaper is lopsided)
--“Nurse can I have a chocolate doughnut for being a good patient?”
--Maddie-“Mommy you ok?"
Me- "Yes. Are you?"
Maddie-"no, I cry and cry"
Me-"oh, why?"
Maddie-"because I missed you"
Me-"awe I missed you too, come give me a hug"
Maddie-"I can't, I am a little bit poopy right now"