Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Blake's word count
Blake’s word count has been growing daily...
4-maddie (addie)
16- Grandma (gee gee)
He is an amazing little boy and I am loving watching him grow.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Maddie's first day at Preschool
Maddie has been wanting to go to school for a while now. For the past year, everytime the school bus comes into our cul de sac, she asks if she can go to school now. Well the day finally arrived (sans bus).
Today, Maddie started preschool. We toured the school a couple of weeks ago and she LOVED it. She has been talking about Ms. KA-TREE-NA (Katrina to the rest of us) ever since and telling people all about her new school. She was so excited to start school she didn't even have her normal tantrum about me washing her hair this morning (only 50% of normal tantrum).
We got ready, put on her new dress (that she picked out all by herself), put on her new bookbag (princesses of course) and headed over to Mya's for pictures and to get her nails painted. I think she truly felt like a big girl.
When we arrived at school she seemed like she might just burst at the seams she was so excited. When it was time to go in Mya took her by the hand and led her inside. Right then I ceased to exist. She was in schoolmode. I did not even get a kiss goodbye. Mya showed her where the cubbies were. Maddie's was right beside Mya's and they showed Maddie how to hang up her backpack. Then Maddie followed everyone to get in line to wash her hands. Shortly after parents were kicked out and the school day began.
When we went to get Maddie, we waited by the door while they called kids one at a time to go meet their parents. When Maddie saw us her whole face lit up as she exclaimed "mommy, daddy...I missed you" and broke into a run that only lasted a second as Ms. Pat reminded her "use your walking feet, don't run"...so instead she did this fast almost run walk.
Here are the things she told me about her day:
-I made a new friend named Katie and we threw a purple ball to each other. Katie is my friend
-Katie tried to give me a green ball but I wanted the purple ball (me: so what happened). ..Katie gave me the purple ball, she shared...she is a good sharer
-Ms Pat said Mya and I could play in the block room and we built towers together (me: did mya knock them down)...No Mya did not, I did and Mya said "Maddie that is not nice".
-We went into the coloring room and colored pictures on pink paper
-We learned to talk to the flag (Pledge of Allegiance)
-We sat on the letter rug and talked about our shapes and then we had to match up the letters.
- Ms Pat told me we had to eat snacks (Me: what did you eat)...Crackers, with cheese it was yummy.
-I got to play in doll room, I like the doll room.
-Ms Pat let us play with trains and line them up right (??no idea what that means??)
-They played a song when we were in the rooms that meant it was time to pick up our toys and no more playing
Maddie also sang me a song she learned about being nice and almost every sentence when talking about her day started with "Ms. Pat said". I know she absorbed something about being in line because when she was playing with the toy penguin and the slide she kept telling it that it had to wait in line. She kept saying "no, wait in line....wait your turn....oops you didn't get in line so you don't get a turn"
All and all she seemed to have a lot of fun and told me she can't wait to go back.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Happy 10 months From Mommy
I can not believe that you are 10 months old. When did this happen? It feels like just yesterday I was holding this tiny little baby and now I have my big trouble making little boy.
When ever you are around Maddie and I know you are up to no good...I think that you think your name is "Nothing but trouble" because we tell you that all the time. You could care less about playing with toys, your number one goal is to seek and destroy. Exploring while destroying. Although lately you have given us a run for our money, you already crawl faster than we can handle and now you have added climbing and trying to walk to the mix.
The climbing is going to drive me bananas. I remember hearing stories from Theresa about Fin climbing and thinking, what kid does that....that is scary. I mean I had calm and maybe a little scaredy cat Maddie. You get in places that scare me and then try to dive head first. You have no fear.
You have started cruising and you love to hold hands and walk...it makes you laugh. I love how tickled you get at things you can do. Yesterday while we were getting our oil changed at the dealer you realized that you could use a stool to walk across the room. You were laughing at your self the whole way.
You have also begun pointing at things you want or things you are interested in. You seem to like that now when you are hungry you can point at my boobs and I get the hint. Ha ha. Although we need to figure out how to teach you to say bottle because your nursing time is coming to an end.
You discovered feeding mommy and Maddie yesterday...you thought it was hilarious....you wanted to feed us everything. We draw the line at flowers though. Sorry kid.
I think you are going to be a talker like your sister. You do a great job repeating words. This morning we were sitting on the floor naming the letter magnents and you would point at the letter and repeat it after me (H, O and A). You say Hat, Dog, Cat, Mom, Nad (maddie), Dada, light and Hi...all on your own.
You are my mover. Yesterday at Maddie's dance class, you so wanted to join in. I help your hands and helped you dance...you were cracking up...you were also doing better than most the girls. Ha ha.
I think you have the most amazing personality. You are a one man wrecking crew, when you get mad...you get MAD...but it is so easy to make you smile, to turn your mood around...you love being happy. I love you.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Maddisms- July 7th, 2011
My favorites from today:
Maddie: why are we getting bandaids
Me: because your legs look AWFUL
Maddie: do you mean Awfully Beautiful?
Me: ha ha yes, that is EXACTLY what I mean
- - - - - -
The Service Manager at fannin: Is there anything else?
Maddie: I am a big girl now....I-WEAR-PANTIES
SM: HA HA good job?
- - - - - -
At the Salon I tell Maddie it is Alex's birthday so she RUNS over where he is sweeping up hair and screams SURPRISE. I think he might of peed his pants. Then she says "I wanted to give you a birthday surprise"
- - - - - - -
Maddie: Mommy I have a beautiful beast named Blake
- - - - - -
Maddie to Alex: "At dance I did a Grand Jete, and jumped over PRETEND mud puddles
- - - - - -
Maddie: I was thinking....we should go to the all (mall)
Me: 'I was thinking'...you get that from your father
Maddie: yes I do
An hour later
Maddie: I want to go barefoot
Me: barefoot?
Maddie: yes, I get that from you.
- - - - - -
Maddie: Mommy I love you too much (then she pulls my head into her chest and hugs me.
My favorite moment with both kids today. We are all sitting on my bed eating popcorn. Blake is actually eating it really neatly for someone who is chowing down. Then Blake decides he is going to feed us so he leans over to each of us and shoves his entire hand (popcorn and all) into our mouth laughing at himself as he does it. Maddie and I were laughing near to tears.
I love my life and my family!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Big Girl Maddie
Maddie and I have been talking a lot lately about being a big girl. Sometimes she is really excited about being a big girl and other times (like on the subject of potty training) she is okay being a little girl. It is so cute to watch her try to do things to be a big girl. Like the other day she wanted to brush her teeth "by myself, mommy...you stay out" in the middle of the day because that is what big girls did.
However, like I said when it comes to potty training she is all about being a little girl. She says no to panties and yes to diapers, she is hesitant to use the potty and sometimes will even have fits about it. But I am not worried. Maddie seems to do things on her own schedule. She likes to think about it or practice before taking a leap into a new thing. She never really did the half crawl or army crawl thing...one day she just crawled, she never did the few steps and fall thing...one day after holding peoples hands for practice she just walked...I figured potty training would be about the same.
Today I was downstairs doing laundry while Blake and Maddie played upstairs. When I came upstairs I saw Maddie in the bathroom working with all her might to take her stockings off. I asked her what she was doing and she said "I am going to the potty, go away, I do it by myself". So I went off to the rooms to put away laundry. A few minutes later I came back by the bathroom and there was Maddie at the tub rinsing off her potty seat in the bathtub. Turns out she had to poop but couldn't hold it long enough to take off her tights. So she instead emptied her diaper into the toilet then threw the diaper away and then peed on the mini potty. After she cleaned off her potty, she pulled her steps up to the sink, washed her hands and brushed her teeth.
When I took her into her room to put on a diaper she said "mommy, am I a big girl now? Can I wear panties?" I told her almost.
I was so proud of her though. Doing that all on her own without being asked. I pulled out the prize bin she didn't know I had and let her pick through all of the toys for a special prize. She picked the musical princess wand and was so happy. What a big girl. Let's see where this takes us! Maybe she can potty train Blake for me when she is done.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Happy 6 months from Mommy
Yesterday Blake turned 6 months. I can not believe a whole half of a year has past since he was born. He is growing up so fast. I think he gets more amazing every day.
He is 18 pounds and 6 ounces and 27 inches long. Square in the 75th percentile.
He sits up like a pro most the time (although the more excited he gets the more chance he is going to flip himself over). He loves to eat, unlike Maddie he loves almost everything so far on the first try...minus an avocado. He tries to snatch food from other people, and wants to gobble it all up. He has dove for a friends pretzel sticks, my bread, fries...he tries for everything. He definitely loves his food. Not surprising given how much he loved breast milk.
He has started “waving” he will look at you and bend his hand up and down at the wrist. Sometimes if I do it first he will copy me. It is really sweet. He also loves to blow raspberries. Some days he will just sit there and blow raspberry after raspberry.
The other day he met a baby boy about his age (just 9 days apart) and he was so excited. He squealed, grabbed the baby’s feet with his own feet and held his hand. They were so cute to watch.
He is such a happy boy. He has his screaming fits but in general he is full of smiles and laughs. He thinks his sister is the funniest. She can get the best laughs out of him. He is such a joy to play with, to spend time with. He makes things easy. He is my sweet little man.
He is 18 pounds and 6 ounces and 27 inches long. Square in the 75th percentile.
He sits up like a pro most the time (although the more excited he gets the more chance he is going to flip himself over). He loves to eat, unlike Maddie he loves almost everything so far on the first try...minus an avocado. He tries to snatch food from other people, and wants to gobble it all up. He has dove for a friends pretzel sticks, my bread, fries...he tries for everything. He definitely loves his food. Not surprising given how much he loved breast milk.
He has started “waving” he will look at you and bend his hand up and down at the wrist. Sometimes if I do it first he will copy me. It is really sweet. He also loves to blow raspberries. Some days he will just sit there and blow raspberry after raspberry.
The other day he met a baby boy about his age (just 9 days apart) and he was so excited. He squealed, grabbed the baby’s feet with his own feet and held his hand. They were so cute to watch.
He is such a happy boy. He has his screaming fits but in general he is full of smiles and laughs. He thinks his sister is the funniest. She can get the best laughs out of him. He is such a joy to play with, to spend time with. He makes things easy. He is my sweet little man.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Feb 15th- More Maddisms
-(Maddie tells me) " there don’t move anywhere"
- (every time I shower she runs in and says) "dont forget behind your ears"
- (I try to talk to Maddie about something she is doing wrong and she puts her hand over my mouth and says) you cant talk now but you can try
-Maddie brings me her bag and
Maddie says: i have a pretty princess bracelet in my bag
Me:oh can I wear it?
Maddie: it can't fit on you but you can try. I have a ball that is the perfect size for you. You want that.
-I told Maddie we would put stickers on the calendar tonight instead of reading a book. After Mark finished reading his book Maddie went to get me a book and I said no we did the calendar, to which Maddie replied “a calendar is NOT a book”...guess who got another book read to her.
-I pulled out the ABC books and said “these are not in alphabetic order, who put these away” and Maddie raised her hand.
-- A lady looks in the carseat at Blake as we are going through sams club and says “awe, will you smile for me” ...Maddie moves back the bonnet so you can see Blake more clearly and says “he is a cutie”...she likes to keep the public informed.
-A lady at Mark's work was telling Blake how cute he was...Maddie OBVIOUSLY felt ignored because she started saying "hey, I am maddie"..."HELLO, my name is Maddie"...no response still..."Excuse me my name is Maddie"...still no response "woohoo I am maddie, over here" ..she finally got the attention she craved after that.
-Mommy what is this yellow thing from out of my nose (UCK)
- (every time I shower she runs in and says) "dont forget behind your ears"
- (I try to talk to Maddie about something she is doing wrong and she puts her hand over my mouth and says) you cant talk now but you can try
-Maddie brings me her bag and
Maddie says: i have a pretty princess bracelet in my bag
Me:oh can I wear it?
Maddie: it can't fit on you but you can try. I have a ball that is the perfect size for you. You want that.
-I told Maddie we would put stickers on the calendar tonight instead of reading a book. After Mark finished reading his book Maddie went to get me a book and I said no we did the calendar, to which Maddie replied “a calendar is NOT a book”...guess who got another book read to her.
-I pulled out the ABC books and said “these are not in alphabetic order, who put these away” and Maddie raised her hand.
-- A lady looks in the carseat at Blake as we are going through sams club and says “awe, will you smile for me” ...Maddie moves back the bonnet so you can see Blake more clearly and says “he is a cutie”...she likes to keep the public informed.
-A lady at Mark's work was telling Blake how cute he was...Maddie OBVIOUSLY felt ignored because she started saying "hey, I am maddie"..."HELLO, my name is Maddie"...no response still..."Excuse me my name is Maddie"...still no response "woohoo I am maddie, over here" ..she finally got the attention she craved after that.
-Mommy what is this yellow thing from out of my nose (UCK)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Maddie-isms Again
--The doctor said I am going to check your ears...am I going to find any missing toys? Did you lose any toys recently...Maddie answered I lost Helen’s baby in my bed when I was sleeping
--“wakey wakey mommy...wakey wakey...you are a cutie....”
--she woke up after about an hour of sleep yelling “welcome home daddy”...we think she got confused. Mark went in and gave her a kiss and put her back to bed
--Yelling from her bed at naptime “mommy it’s sunny right now” (i.e. means it is not time to sleep)
--Maddie was eating green beans and pulled out a little pea from it and said “mommy what is this” ...without thinking I responded “it is a seed” . . . then tried to undo it, figuring she wouldn’t eat and said “no I mean a bean” ...Maddie said “No it is a seed...I will save it and plant it in my garden”
--the nurse said “you are really cute” Maddie said “I know, I am a princess”
--While I am in the bathroom I hear Maddie say "You need polka dots" (as Maddie covered her brother in price stickers)
--"Look Mommy I have a wedgie" (as she squats to show me her sagging diaper is lopsided)
--“Nurse can I have a chocolate doughnut for being a good patient?”
--Maddie-“Mommy you ok?"
Me- "Yes. Are you?"
Maddie-"no, I cry and cry"
Me-"oh, why?"
Maddie-"because I missed you"
Me-"awe I missed you too, come give me a hug"
Maddie-"I can't, I am a little bit poopy right now"
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Stupid germs
The past week has not been the most fun for us. Maddie and Blake got RSV and bronchitis. Our days have been filled with snot, coughing fits and breathing treatments. Just as the kids are starting to recover I start to get sick and our lack of sleep increases.
Then last night I was reading maddie a book and I noticed she kept putting her hand to her mouth, then suddenly ...blech...she threw up and threw up and threw up. We thought it was just from phlegm or something she ate, bit it continued through the night, with her daddy sacrificing sleep and taking care of her.
By morning it was obvious it wasn't just something she ate, as her diapers were bone dry for almost 12 hours. So at 6am we got up, moving and out the door. Maddie begging for a drink even as she threw up again. Her mood was sad bit thankfully Blake was joyful and content making it easier to deal with his sister.
At cabell hospital they got maddie straight into a room and checked her out, despite the vomiting and congestion in her lungs she checked out well. They gave her some Zofran and a popsicle in hope to get something in her belly.
It is now 10am and she has had 2 Popsicles, two juices and has held everything down. Her mood has improved and we hope to get home. I hope whatever it is passes quickly without effecting all of us...we have had enough to last us for awhile.
We need a vacation.
Then last night I was reading maddie a book and I noticed she kept putting her hand to her mouth, then suddenly ...blech...she threw up and threw up and threw up. We thought it was just from phlegm or something she ate, bit it continued through the night, with her daddy sacrificing sleep and taking care of her.
By morning it was obvious it wasn't just something she ate, as her diapers were bone dry for almost 12 hours. So at 6am we got up, moving and out the door. Maddie begging for a drink even as she threw up again. Her mood was sad bit thankfully Blake was joyful and content making it easier to deal with his sister.
At cabell hospital they got maddie straight into a room and checked her out, despite the vomiting and congestion in her lungs she checked out well. They gave her some Zofran and a popsicle in hope to get something in her belly.
It is now 10am and she has had 2 Popsicles, two juices and has held everything down. Her mood has improved and we hope to get home. I hope whatever it is passes quickly without effecting all of us...we have had enough to last us for awhile.
We need a vacation.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
This week's Maddie-ims
-Maddie said "I wear my frog boots today" ...I said "ok, I will get them in a minute" then Maddie said "then you say oh you look fancy" ...so of course I said it but immediately got a palm in my face...she said "no mommy, not yet, not yet"
-"mommy what's falling down? ....oh it's my pants!" (they were around her ankles)
-on TV Little Bill said "Hello Friend" ...to which Maddie replied "You are NOT my friend"
-“Mommy, I don’t like candy...I like REAL food”
-“this rose smells DELICIOUS”
-me “is daddy my friend?”...Maddie “no, daddy is my friend, he is your husband”
-Maddie: “I want a banana” me:”you can’t right now, they are still green, you have to wait till they turn yellow” Maddie: “Abracadabra...turn yellow”
-Maddie [trips over towels]: ouch mommy the towels hurt me”..me: where are you hurt?”...Maddie: “on the towels”
-Maddie [holding her doll baby while I hold Blake]: “look mommy we both have babies”...me: “we do”...Maddie: “mommy hold my baby I got to do my push ups” [then runs down the hall and does her push ups
-Me: “Maddie did you poop”...Maddie: yes “...Me: “good”...Maddie: “mommy, i wanna keep my poop”
-"mommy what's falling down? ....oh it's my pants!" (they were around her ankles)
-on TV Little Bill said "Hello Friend" ...to which Maddie replied "You are NOT my friend"
-“Mommy, I don’t like candy...I like REAL food”
-“this rose smells DELICIOUS”
-me “is daddy my friend?”...Maddie “no, daddy is my friend, he is your husband”
-Maddie: “I want a banana” me:”you can’t right now, they are still green, you have to wait till they turn yellow” Maddie: “Abracadabra...turn yellow”
-Maddie [trips over towels]: ouch mommy the towels hurt me”..me: where are you hurt?”...Maddie: “on the towels”
-Maddie [holding her doll baby while I hold Blake]: “look mommy we both have babies”...me: “we do”...Maddie: “mommy hold my baby I got to do my push ups” [then runs down the hall and does her push ups
-Me: “Maddie did you poop”...Maddie: yes “...Me: “good”...Maddie: “mommy, i wanna keep my poop”
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