Maddie has been wanting to go to school for a while now. For the past year, everytime the school bus comes into our cul de sac, she asks if she can go to school now. Well the day finally arrived (sans bus).
Today, Maddie started preschool. We toured the school a couple of weeks ago and she LOVED it. She has been talking about Ms. KA-TREE-NA (Katrina to the rest of us) ever since and telling people all about her new school. She was so excited to start school she didn't even have her normal tantrum about me washing her hair this morning (only 50% of normal tantrum).
We got ready, put on her new dress (that she picked out all by herself), put on her new bookbag (princesses of course) and headed over to Mya's for pictures and to get her nails painted. I think she truly felt like a big girl.
When we arrived at school she seemed like she might just burst at the seams she was so excited. When it was time to go in Mya took her by the hand and led her inside. Right then I ceased to exist. She was in schoolmode. I did not even get a kiss goodbye. Mya showed her where the cubbies were. Maddie's was right beside Mya's and they showed Maddie how to hang up her backpack. Then Maddie followed everyone to get in line to wash her hands. Shortly after parents were kicked out and the school day began.
When we went to get Maddie, we waited by the door while they called kids one at a time to go meet their parents. When Maddie saw us her whole face lit up as she exclaimed "mommy, daddy...I missed you" and broke into a run that only lasted a second as Ms. Pat reminded her "use your walking feet, don't run" instead she did this fast almost run walk.
Here are the things she told me about her day:
-I made a new friend named Katie and we threw a purple ball to each other. Katie is my friend
-Katie tried to give me a green ball but I wanted the purple ball (me: so what happened). ..Katie gave me the purple ball, she shared...she is a good sharer
-Ms Pat said Mya and I could play in the block room and we built towers together (me: did mya knock them down)...No Mya did not, I did and Mya said "Maddie that is not nice".
-We went into the coloring room and colored pictures on pink paper
-We learned to talk to the flag (Pledge of Allegiance)
-We sat on the letter rug and talked about our shapes and then we had to match up the letters.
- Ms Pat told me we had to eat snacks (Me: what did you eat)...Crackers, with cheese it was yummy.
-I got to play in doll room, I like the doll room.
-Ms Pat let us play with trains and line them up right (??no idea what that means??)
-They played a song when we were in the rooms that meant it was time to pick up our toys and no more playing
Maddie also sang me a song she learned about being nice and almost every sentence when talking about her day started with "Ms. Pat said". I know she absorbed something about being in line because when she was playing with the toy penguin and the slide she kept telling it that it had to wait in line. She kept saying "no, wait in line....wait your turn....oops you didn't get in line so you don't get a turn"
All and all she seemed to have a lot of fun and told me she can't wait to go back.