I can not believe that you are 10 months old. When did this happen? It feels like just yesterday I was holding this tiny little baby and now I have my big trouble making little boy.
When ever you are around Maddie and I know you are up to no good...I think that you think your name is "Nothing but trouble" because we tell you that all the time. You could care less about playing with toys, your number one goal is to seek and destroy. Exploring while destroying. Although lately you have given us a run for our money, you already crawl faster than we can handle and now you have added climbing and trying to walk to the mix.
The climbing is going to drive me bananas. I remember hearing stories from Theresa about Fin climbing and thinking, what kid does that....that is scary. I mean I had calm and maybe a little scaredy cat Maddie. You get in places that scare me and then try to dive head first. You have no fear.
You have started cruising and you love to hold hands and walk...it makes you laugh. I love how tickled you get at things you can do. Yesterday while we were getting our oil changed at the dealer you realized that you could use a stool to walk across the room. You were laughing at your self the whole way.
You have also begun pointing at things you want or things you are interested in. You seem to like that now when you are hungry you can point at my boobs and I get the hint. Ha ha. Although we need to figure out how to teach you to say bottle because your nursing time is coming to an end.
You discovered feeding mommy and Maddie yesterday...you thought it was hilarious....you wanted to feed us everything. We draw the line at flowers though. Sorry kid.
I think you are going to be a talker like your sister. You do a great job repeating words. This morning we were sitting on the floor naming the letter magnents and you would point at the letter and repeat it after me (H, O and A). You say Hat, Dog, Cat, Mom, Nad (maddie), Dada, light and Hi...all on your own.
You are my mover. Yesterday at Maddie's dance class, you so wanted to join in. I help your hands and helped you dance...you were cracking up...you were also doing better than most the girls. Ha ha.
I think you have the most amazing personality. You are a one man wrecking crew, when you get mad...you get MAD...but it is so easy to make you smile, to turn your mood around...you love being happy. I love you.