Tuesday, February 3, 2009

October 14th, 2008-Madison Arrives

after 11 hours of labor, 2.5 hours of pushing. . . . Madison Riley Solomon entered the world at 10:29 pm Mountain Time. I did not want to call and wake people up so I figured an email would be better. She weighed 7 lbs and 8 ounces and is 20 inches long. She has a head full of long dirty blonde hair. She was a hit with all the nurses who immediately wanted to play with her hair and put bows in it. She is a champion feeder already and HATES baths (probably because her long hair captured so much goo that the nurses had to really scrub.

We are no in the neonatal section where both baby and dad are passed out. Mark is an amazing father already, so sweet and attentive. I love that man.

I have attached some pictures. One is right after she was born of the 3 of us. The other is right after her first bath and the last one is Madison dressed to go home for the first time in the outfit Aunt Missy gave her.

More soon. Love and miss you all.

Hi all,

I just wanted to send you all a note to let you know that after 11 hours of labor, 2.5 hours of pushing. . . . Madison Riley Solomon entered the world at 10:29 pm Mountain Time. I did not want to call and wake people up so I figured an email would be better. She weighed 7 lbs and 8 ounces and is 20 inches long. She has a head full of long dirty blonde hair. She was a hit with all the nurses who immediately wanted to play with her hair and put bows in it. She is a champion feeder already and HATES baths (probably because her long hair captured so much goo that the nurses had to really scrub.

We are now in the neonatal section where both baby and dad are passed out. Mark is an amazing father already, so sweet and attentive. I love that man.

October 14th, 2008-Labor Begins

October 14th at 2:30 PM

My water broke at 11:30 this afternoon (right after I finished my rocking exercises. . which I did full force while telling Spoon that today would be a great day to be born). It was only like a small gush but def completely different then anything I have ever felt so I knew I did not just pee my pants (that would be bad). I immediately started running around the house like a chicken with my head cut off, going "oh my gawd, that was my water. . . oh my gawd I think my water just broke" . I called Mark who answered without talking since he was in class and told him my water broke. He stepped outside class and asked me a few time if I was sure. I told him I would call Dr. Dena and call him back.

I explained to Dr. Dena what happened and she said that definately sounds like your water broke and told me to go to the labor deck. So I called Mark back. . . still in class. . . . and told him it was time. . . since he had to leave class he wanted reassurances. ha ha He said when he started to pack up the class asked him if it was time and he told them that I said it was. Good thing it was not a false alarm or he would have a lot of explaining to do.

The drive to the hospital was a little painful with contractions but no more water breaking.

After I checked in at the Triage desk in the ER they directed me to walk if I could the Labor Deck, which I told htem I could. But wouldn't you know that the minute we started walking my water started coming again . . . and coming . . . it was awful, I felt like a broken faucet. I was trying to walk while keeping my legs together. Mark thought it was quite the sight.

Once I got into one of the triage rooms they checked me out and determined it was definately my water that broke (good to know Mark would not have to go back to school and explain false alarm my wife just peed herself) and that I was 5 cm dialated.

Since then my contractions have been getting worse. Since she is sunny side up there are a lot of back pains that are not fun. They should be checking me again any minute now to see if I have dialated any more. I know contractions are only going to get stronger but DAMN really OUCH!