Thursday, March 24, 2011

Big Girl Maddie

Maddie and I have been talking a lot lately about being a big girl. Sometimes she is really excited about being a big girl and other times (like on the subject of potty training) she is okay being a little girl. It is so cute to watch her try to do things to be a big girl. Like the other day she wanted to brush her teeth "by myself, stay out" in the middle of the day because that is what big girls did.

However, like I said when it comes to potty training she is all about being a little girl. She says no to panties and yes to diapers, she is hesitant to use the potty and sometimes will even have fits about it. But I am not worried. Maddie seems to do things on her own schedule. She likes to think about it or practice before taking a leap into a new thing. She never really did the half crawl or army crawl day she just crawled, she never did the few steps and fall day after holding peoples hands for practice she just walked...I figured potty training would be about the same.

Today I was downstairs doing laundry while Blake and Maddie played upstairs. When I came upstairs I saw Maddie in the bathroom working with all her might to take her stockings off. I asked her what she was doing and she said "I am going to the potty, go away, I do it by myself". So I went off to the rooms to put away laundry. A few minutes later I came back by the bathroom and there was Maddie at the tub rinsing off her potty seat in the bathtub. Turns out she had to poop but couldn't hold it long enough to take off her tights. So she instead emptied her diaper into the toilet then threw the diaper away and then peed on the mini potty. After she cleaned off her potty, she pulled her steps up to the sink, washed her hands and brushed her teeth.

When I took her into her room to put on a diaper she said "mommy, am I a big girl now? Can I wear panties?" I told her almost.

I was so proud of her though. Doing that all on her own without being asked. I pulled out the prize bin she didn't know I had and let her pick through all of the toys for a special prize. She picked the musical princess wand and was so happy. What a big girl. Let's see where this takes us! Maybe she can potty train Blake for me when she is done.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy 6 months from Mommy

Yesterday Blake turned 6 months. I can not believe a whole half of a year has past since he was born. He is growing up so fast. I think he gets more amazing every day.

He is 18 pounds and 6 ounces and 27 inches long. Square in the 75th percentile.

He sits up like a pro most the time (although the more excited he gets the more chance he is going to flip himself over). He loves to eat, unlike Maddie he loves almost everything so far on the first try...minus an avocado. He tries to snatch food from other people, and wants to gobble it all up. He has dove for a friends pretzel sticks, my bread, fries...he tries for everything. He definitely loves his food. Not surprising given how much he loved breast milk.

He has started “waving” he will look at you and bend his hand up and down at the wrist. Sometimes if I do it first he will copy me. It is really sweet. He also loves to blow raspberries. Some days he will just sit there and blow raspberry after raspberry.

The other day he met a baby boy about his age (just 9 days apart) and he was so excited. He squealed, grabbed the baby’s feet with his own feet and held his hand. They were so cute to watch.

He is such a happy boy. He has his screaming fits but in general he is full of smiles and laughs. He thinks his sister is the funniest. She can get the best laughs out of him. He is such a joy to play with, to spend time with. He makes things easy. He is my sweet little man.